Yoga For Treating Diabetes

Yoga for treating diabetes

Yoga for treating diabetes - Yoga can help cure Diabetes. Yeah! ModThe modality yoga as asana, pranayama, meditation, diet and related activities can help cure diabetes; high blood sugar.

Diabetes is a Metabolic Disorder that occurs either when the pancreas cannot produce the hormone insulin which is required to convert sugar into energy (type 1) or when the body cannot use the insulin it produces the right way (type 2)

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) released a report in 2012, States that nearly 52% of the people of India do not realize that they are suffering from high blood sugar; They also add that the number of people with diabetes mellitus India expected to exceeded 100 million in 2030.

Yoga Asana are useful to cure Diabetes is that produce stretching and touch at the bottom of the chest and the waist the upper part, where the pancreas lies. Yoga for treating diabetes - Yoga asana is believed can increase blood supply, massaging the organs, enable their cells and thereby causes an increase in insulin secretion; reduce high blood sugar.

1. Yoga asana regenerate/Rejuvenates the pancreatic cells by stretching the stomach; also by improving the process of enzymatic can improve utilization and metabolism of glucose in peripheral tissues.

2. Yoga Asana can cause muscle relaxation, enhancing the development of muscles and improve circulation to the muscles; all of these can increase the expression of insulin receptor on muscles and cause an increase in glucose ambilan by muscles and thus reduce blood sugar.

3. It has been seen that the various yoga postures can increase the sensitivity of pancreatic cells and glucose signals against also increases insulin sensitivity. This can produce a better absorption of glucose and the blood sugar reduction.

4. Yoga Asana can directly stimulate the pancreas with increases circulation and rejuvenates the pancreatic meridian on its capacity to produce insulin.

5. Evidence suggests that regular yoga practice can significantly reduce weight, which is very important to keep your diabetes under examination.

6. diabetes symptoms can be aggravated by an increase in blood pressure. Yoga Asanas like corpse pose, pose posing child poses and yoga nidra has been seen helpful in controlling hypertension.

7. Bandhas in yoga is the key to regulating the neuromuscular and endocrine secretion in stimulating the body, and also realign, revitalize and improve the function of organs and glands that are affected by diabetes.

8. Many studies have confirmed that the practice of Yoga Asanas such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (half-turning pose) combined with Dhanurasana (bow pose), Vakrasana (twisted pose), Matsyendrasana (half round bone rear), Yoga for treating diabetes - Halasana (plow pose) squeeze and compresses an unused stomach and helps stimulate the secretion of the pancreas which causes more blood to flow to insulin.

Pranayama helps quiet the mind and balance the interaction between the pituitary gland and pancreas. Pranayama helps heal diabetes with the following ways

1. Pranayama inhalation, breathing movement control and refeksi vital energy.

2. Pranayama also reduces blood pressure and weight of the individual – two possible causes of diabetes.

3. Pranayama also reduces the development of complications and the severity of complications caused by diabetes as well.

4. Stress induces the secretion of glucagon that have opposite actions such as insulin. Pranayama effectively reduce stress and glucagon and insulin work may increase.

5. Pranayama cause muscle relaxation and increase blood supply that may increase insulin sensitivity.

6. reduce stress hormone levels of Pranayama (cortisol). This helps reduce insulin resistance.

Some of the pranayamas are beneficial for the treatment of diabetes

1. Bharamari – help soothe the mind and rejuvenate the body and nervous system.

2. Bhasrika-this is a revitalizing pranayama. This helps improve oxygen levels and lower levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. This helps to suppress abdominal organs using the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

3. Pulse Shodhan pranayama-very helpful for diabetics. This helps to release stress and toxins out of the body.

4. Sudarshan kriya-this is an excellent technique to combat diabetes. This has helped some people with diabetes worldwide in controlling their condition from getting worse.

Anulom vilom-5. nostril breathing alternatives have been seen to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and help facilitate homeostasis. Yoga for treating diabetes - It helps to manage stress and help control blood sugar levels.

6. Kapalbhatti-stimulates the pancreas to release insulin so that helps in controlling diabetes. Kapalbhati combined with nauli kriya helps balance the basal metabolic rate which in turn helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

It is recommended to learn the complete abdominal breathing, fast breathing, anuloma villoma, kapalbhati, alternate nostril breathing, bandhas from yoga teacher before practicing pranayama.

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