What is Type 4 Diabetes Mellitus

what is type 4 diabetes mellitus

What is type 4 diabetes mellitus - We all know about diabetes: the enemy of our body's blood glucose homeostasis; the delicate balancing act between insulin and glucagon to keep our blood sugar stays stable. Diabetes type 1 and type 2 is the most famous and talked about, type 3 brought to the table a few years ago, and type 4 has just been "discovered." So, what type of diabetes is the latest, and should we worry?

As a reminder, type 1 diabetes is a form of diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent where pancreatic beta cells (usually destroyed by the autoimmune response) not to supply insulin to the body to give signals of cell glucose uptake, which produces high blood sugar.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is primarily caused by insulin resistance (the cells become sensitive to the action of insulin because it is too often used), and insulin production decreases over time as the pancreas becomes  "obsolete " from overproduced. What is type 4 diabetes mellitus - This type of diabetes is often associated with obesity, inactivity, and aging.

The less talked about, the new type 3 diabetes is called (by some) is discussed in the literature review of the year 2008 and proposed to be associated with a deficiency of insulin and insulin resistance in the brain as a contributor to neurodegenerative Alzheimer's disease, so it's kind of a combination of type 1 and 2 that can cause cognitive decline.

Now to the latest discovery of fourth diabetes: type to remain on our radar. An article published around the middle of November in Nature presents results of research conducted by the Salk Institute researchers are investigating insulin resistance related to age. They discuss how insulin resistance linked to obesity (driven by inflammation because macrophages), which is regarded as a major contributor to type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance is different from age-related, which occurs independently of obesity.

The authors explain that  "regulatory T cells, fat cells called Manager fT reg, accumulate in adipose tissue as a function of age, but not obesity. " this cells leads to age-related insulin resistance covered the article. What is type 4 diabetes mellitus - Thus, it seems that nothing is safe from the disease-healthy eaters even a healthy and physically active can become a prey type 4 diabetes as a simple consequence of aging.

This article concludes that cell fT reg involved as potential therapeutic targets for treating age-related insulin resistance, indicating that the cell can be discharged to the fT reg enhance insulin sensitivity and, therefore, improve symptoms diabetes.

Overall, it doesn't seem that this is the kind of new-found diabetes per se since it has long been known that even skinny people sometimes are diagnosed with diabetes. If it is believed to be due to genetic predisposition, or simply associated with the aging process, this article seems to be more to find mechanisms that may play rather than the condition itself.

The authors suggest "type 4 diabetes as a term for non-obesity-dependent ft reg driven metabolic disease of the elderly," and this may be the right term for the rats they have been studied, but probably not to classify human beings It used to be. What is type 4 diabetes mellitus - The study only involved mice, so their findings must be substantiated in humans as the next step. Keep an eye on future research on this topic, because hopefully will be coming soon.

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