5 Great Effective and Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes

5 great effective and natural home remedies for diabetes -

5 great effective and natural home remedies for diabetes - Diabetes, or also called diabetes mellitus, is a health problem that is becoming increasingly common in modern life. There are two main types of this disease that are diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include weight loss, fatigue, increased urination, excessive thirst, wounds and bruises that are slow to be treated and blurred vision.

Although there is no treatment for diabetes, with sugar levels in your blood under control you can live a life that is entirely normal. There are many natural treatments for diabetes can help you control Your blood sugar levels. In this paper, we will introduce to you 5 great effective and natural home remedies for diabetes and without side effects. This article to register the best treatments to deal with this issue from a reliable source. However, it is not intended to provide medical advice and it is solely for informational purposes. Continue reading this article to better understand!

Best 5 Great Effective and Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to see your doctor regularly to make sure that your medication works to control your blood sugar. Meanwhile, here are some home cures that will enable diabetics to adapt to their sickness:

1. Bitter Pumpkin, water, And Ghee
Bitter gourd, also called pare, can be used as one of the most effective drugs and home blessing for diabetes blood glucose lowering effect in it. In addition, this can also help you to increase the secretion of insulin by the pancreas as well as prevent insulin resistance. As a result, the bitter gourd is very beneficial for both types of diabetes. In any case, it may not be utilized to totally supplant insulin treatment.

Herb 1: bitter gourd


  • 4 to 5 bitter gourd
  • A sieve
  • Peeler
  • A little water
  • Instructions:

  1. First, you peel the skin using bitter gourd peeler.
  2. Next, you remove the seeds and chop the pumpkin spider it into several parts.
  3. Then, you destroy the bitter gourd pieces peeled and dumped it to make a paste.
  4. After that, you put this paste on a colander and squeeze it to extract the juice.
  5. Finally, you add the water to the juice of bitter and consuming the newly extracted juice in every morning when your stomach is empty.
  6. You should drink this juice on a regular basis.

Potion 2: bitter gourd and ghee


  • 1 bitter gourd
  • A pan
  • A little ghee or clarified butter


  1. At first, you cut the bitter gourd into sections.
  2. Next, you add the butter or butter to the pan.
  3. Then, pour the pumpkin pieces bitter this into the Pan and cook for a few minutes.
  4. Finally, you have these pieces often.
  5. You can follow this treatment every day for about 3-4 months.

Herb 3: bitter gourd Pieces


  • 5 through 7 dry pare
  • 1 cup water
  • A pan


  1. At first, You pour water into the pot and boil for a few minutes.
  2. Next, you add the dry bitter gourd pieces into the pan.
  3. Then, you stir well and strain the tea using a sieve.
  4. Finally, you drank the bitter gourd tea.
  5. You can continue to drink this tea for about 1 or 2 times per day.

2. Milk, Fenugreek, turmeric powder, And white pepper
Fenugreek is considered as an effective remedy in the list of the top 5 home treatment for diabetes. Fenugreek can help you in stimulating the cells in the pancreas gland and increase the production of insulin.

Remedy 1: Fenugreek seeds and water


  • Fenugreek seeds-3 or 4 tablespoons
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Bowl


  1. First, you put the fenugreek seeds into a bowl.
  2. Then, you add water to the bowl and then soak the seeds this for last night.
  3. Next, you will destroy this grain in the next morning and mengencangkannya to fetch water.
  4. Finally, you drink this water soon.
  5. You can drink fenugreek daily for about two months.

2 herb: fenugreek seeds and water


  • Fenugreek seeds-1 or 2 tablespoons
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Bowl


  1. First, you take a bowl and add the fenugreek seeds into it.
  2. Next, you pour water into it and soak it for a night.
  3. You will chew the fenugreek seeds soaked it gradually in the next morning. You can consume the water along with the seeds.
  4. Make sure you have to take a solution with an empty stomach.
  5. You can do this treatment every morning for several months.

3 herb: fenugreek seeds and warm milk


  • Fenugreek seeds powder – 1 or 2 tablespoons
  • Warm milk-1 cup


  1. At first, add the ground fenugreek seeds into the warm milk.
  2. Next, you stir it well.
  3. Finally, you drink this solution.
  4. You can do this treatment every day.

Remedy 4: Fenugreek seeds, white pepper, turmeric, and milk


  • Fenugreek seeds-6 or 7 tablespoons
  • Turmeric powder-2 or 3 tablespoons
  • A little white pepper
  • Milk-1 cup


  1. First, you pour this fenugreek seeds into a small bowl.
  2. Next, you add the turmeric powder and white pepper in it.
  3. Then, you mengaduknya well and grind this mixture to make a fine powder.
  4. After that, you add this powder (1 teaspoon) into the milk.
  5. Next, you mix it well and have milk.
  6. You can follow this treatment for about 2 or 3 times per day.

3. Holy Basil, Air, Daun take, then Daun Bael
Holy Basil contains antibacterial, anti-stress, antifungal, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-tumor, antiasthmatic, antiulcer hull, anti-mutagenic, and immune stimulant. Basil leaves can also help stimulate the levels of glucose in the blood, which is considered as one of the home remedies for diabetes.

Herb 1: fresh basil leaves


  • 2 to 5 fresh basil leaves


  1. First, you wash fresh basil leaves thoroughly.
  2. Then, insert into your mouth and begin to chew it.
  3. You should bite them early in the day when your stomach is unfilled. 
  4. You can keep doing this treatment every morning.

2 herb: Basil leaves and water


  • Basil leaves-a few leaves
  • Water glasses

  1. At first, you destroy the leaves fresh basil this right to take juice (1 teaspoon).
  2. Then, add this juice to the water and mix well.
  3. Finally, you drink water in the morning with Your empty stomach.
  4. You can do this treatment every morning for several months.

3 herb: Basil leaves, leaf mimba, and bael leaves


  • 5 leaves basil
  • 5 neem leaves
  • bael leaves 5


  1. First, you crush the basil leaves, leaf mimba, and bael leaves to make a smooth paste.
  2. At that point, you expend this glue toward the beginning of the day with Your unfilled stomach. 
  3. You must have this solution every day.

4. Daun Take
One of the effective treatment and home-based for diabetes is to use leaf mimba. Neem leaves contain anti-viral properties hiperglikemik, antibacterial, and antifungal properties which make it more beneficial leaves to treat diabetes. 5 great effective and natural home remedies for diabetes - In addition, they are also very useful in increasing the sensitivity of insulin receptors and increases blood circulation, which reduces the levels of glucose in the blood, with blood vessels, dilate you.

Herb 1: Neem Leaf


  • A handful of neem leaves


  1. First, you destroy the fresh neem leaves properly.
  2. Next, you strain them to extract the juice.
  3. At that point, you expend this neem juice (around 1 tablespoon) toward the beginning of the day with Your unfilled stomach.
  4. You can continue to consume the juice of neem in every morning.

Potion 2: Neem Leaf


  • 8 to 10 leaves of Neem


  1. First, you wash this mimba leaves thoroughly.
  2. Then, insert into your mouth and You chew it slowly.
  3. You should repeat this medicine every morning.

Herb 3: Neem leaves the powder and water


  • Powdered dry-mimba leaves 2 teaspoons
  • Water – 1 cup


  1. At first, you add this powder into a glass of water.
  2. Next, you stir it well and got this solution.
  3. You must consume water Neem this every morning empty stomach with or without you.

5. Flax seed and milk
Use flax seed is also a drug that is effective in the list of the top 32 home treatment for diabetes that you must try. Hemp seed is high in protein, fiber, and plant compounds called Lignans which can act as antioxidants. In addition, flax seed can also stabilize blood sugar levels effectively.

1 herb: flax seed powder


  • Warm milk-1 cup
  • Flaxseed powder-1 tablespoon


  1. First, you add ground flaxseed into the warm milk.
  2. Then, you stir well and drink milk is with your breakfast.
  3. This solution you should drink each day for better results.

Remedy 2: flax seed powder


  • Flaxseed powder-1 teaspoon


  1. First, you add ground flaxseed to Your breakfast cereal.
  2. Next, you stir well and enjoy breakfast.
  3. Alternatively, you can add ground flaxseed to soups or gravies and take it.
  4. You should perform this maintenance on a regular basis.

If you want to know more about home remedies for diseases and other conditions, visit our main Home Remedies page. After reading the article 5 great effective and natural home remedies for diabetes, hope this can help you find the best solution to get rid of this problem. However, the article is only for informational purposes, so you should see a doctor to get advice before applying any natural home remedy. If you have any questions, or you know other natural treatment for diabetes, please leave below.
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