Coke Zero and Diabetes: What do You Have to Know

Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know

Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know - Coke Zero was launched in 2005 as an alternative to sugar-free, low in calories for a regular Coke. One thing is quite funny is that when Diet Coke has been around since the 1980 's, many men think that title's "diet " sounds a bit too feminine and they are not interested in buying it.

So as a result, Coke Zero was born. It is mostly marketed toward men who want to enjoy the taste of Coke Classic with zero guilt. Coke Zero is present in several different flavors, including classical, vanilla, and cherry.

You might think that a sugar-free soda sounds too good to be true. And you would be right! Unfortunately, Coke Zero soda and other sugar-free soda lovers dream is not a reality. And you will soon see why? Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know - You probably already know that regular soda has a lot of sugar in it, which means you have to avoid all the costs of diabetes or not.

For example, 12 ounces canned regular Coke contains 39 grams of sugar, all come from high fructose corn syrup, which makes the two-fold not, no. Soda cans that can also pack the 140 empty calories-meaning, you do not get any nutrients from it.

It's easy to see why so many people love diet soda when it hit the market. After all, the promise of reducing sugar in order to lose weight, and reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes — which sounds like a good deal, isn't it?

Well, unfortunately, the promises it's not all of it is already cracked.

Sweeteners in Diet Coke is called the ' aspartame, ' which is the main ingredient in artificial sweeteners such as Equal and NutraSweet. Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know - Aspartame tastes very sweet but it can have a taste of a more "fake" fake, which according to some people can be easily their detection.

Coke Zero also uses aspartame, the artificial sweetener along with both called acesulfame potassium ' ' (also known as Ace-K ' and acesulfame-K). It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, so the company could use a little more in the drink and still get the desired taste.

In addition to sweeteners, Coke Zero contains carbonated water, caramel color, natural flavor, and some 34 grams of caffeine.

If you look at the nutrition label you will see that Coke Zero contains no calories, fat, carbohydrates, or protein. As you can see, in addition to the fake sweeteners and some other ingredients (which is not very good), the drink is basically don't have anything!

When it comes to drinking Coke, and many sugar-free foods and beverages, marketing the product is very deceptive. For example, when you are in  "diet mindset ", you are tempted to think that nutrition labeling vacant means that food or drink better for you, but that's not always the case. In fact, often it is the opposite.

When you drink Coke Zero, you might avoid extra calories and carbs, but you are not getting any nutrients. What you get is a stomach full of artificial sweeteners and chemicals that can cause serious damage to your health.

Research on Artificial Sugar

According to the website of Coca-Cola, the FDA and other authorities around the world have concluded that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and acesulfame potassium are safe for use in foods and beverages.

But, though these products are stated to be "safe for consumption, " there is a lot of research over the past few decades which show otherwise – they have a negative effect on our health.

Review of some research shows that consumption of artificial sweeteners linked to several metabolic disorders such as an increased risk for weight gain and cardiovascular disease.

In fact, researchers have found that people who regularly consume the fake sweeteners have the risk of metabolic syndrome increases dramatically. Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know -  Metabolic syndrome is defined as a person who has 3 or more of the following symptoms--high blood pressure, fasting blood glucose is high, high cholesterol, and a large waist circumference.

A study that examined the effects of artificial sweeteners in neurobiology (food effect on hormones, chemicals and the circuits of the brain) finds that not only are these sweeteners linked to weight gain in children and adults, but they also cause a strong sugar craving.

The extreme sweetness of the fake sugar like aspartame and acesulfame potassium seems to trigger the brain's reward pathways, creating  "trained taste preferences " for candy.

Basically, the soda that tastes sweeter that drunk person (even if the sweet taste of sugar not derived from the original), the more they wanted to taste the same again. This can cause overeating high-calorie, high carbohydrate foods, which increases your blood sugar levels and can lead to an increase in the weight.

Research on top is just the tip of the iceberg. So it is clear that while marketing is promoting Coke Zero, Diet Coke or other diet sodas as "healthier choices" that will help you achieve your weight loss or reduce the risk of disease, the opposite in fact true.

Myths vs. Facts

Diet soda myth: because Coke Zero soda and other sugar-free has no carbohydrates, they won't do diabetes. They are the drink's "neutral " as far as health problems go.

The truth about soda drinks: it is true that this drink does not contain carbohydrates, therefore they don't affect your blood sugar levels (well, they really can in some people). Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know - But, as you read earlier, fake sugar used in a sugar-free soda can have health consequences such as weight gain, sugar cravings, and unbalance the metabolism in the body.

Diet soda is not "neutral" at all because they only have negative side effects and they do not offer the nutrients in return.

Options  "Soda " healthier

There is a choice of healthy, carbonated beverages that are truly free sweetener: Club soda or seltzer water. And LaCroix, Dasani and many other companies also make a flavorful variety (unsweetened).

Lacroix sparkling waters of flavor them with natural flavor that is often in the form of fruit extracts and essential oils. They contain zero sugar, zero zero CARB sweetener, and come in a variety of flavors-berry, coconut, lemon, and orange.

As an alternative, you can buy a variety Pack (pictured above)-24 cans costing about $24.95 only generates $1.24. Coke zero and diabetes what do you have to know - Another option is to enter the water or soda water with fruit (strawberries, cucumber, lemon, lime) or herbs (mint, thyme) or brew it with herbal tea to give it a little flavor.

You can also buy sweet stevia to taste added to your water. Stable water Enhancer is a good choice. Natural ingredients, sweetened with stevia and contain zero carbohydrates.

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