Will Type 2 Diabetes be Cured

Will Type 2 Diabetes be Cured

Will type 2 diabetes be cured - Diabetes has become an epidemic, with more than 422 million people affected worldwide who was sentenced to a lifetime of medication. Science seeks to find a cure for a chronic disease, but how close are we?

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. The number of people who are affected by all types of disorders of diabetes is now more than four times higher than just 40 years ago. This has led the World Health Organization (WHO) to consider the diabetes epidemic, predicting it would soon become the seventh-largest cause of death worldwide.

Although the impact is very large, there is still no cure for diabetes. Most treatments help patients manage symptoms to some extent, but diabetics still face some long-term health complications.

Diabetes type 1 and type 2 affects regulation of insulin, a hormone needed for ambilan glucose in the cell, generating a high blood glucose levels. Will type 2 diabetes be cured - Over time, high sugar levels deteriorate the body, especially the eyes, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.

While type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that destroys the beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin-, in patients with type 2 diabetes the cells still functioning but the body develops insulin resistance as a consequence of genetics, obesity, diets are very fewer calories and exercise.

The biotechnology industry has seen this opportunity and attempted to develop a new diabetes treatment and the pursuit of the holy grail: the drug. Let's see what happens on the field and how it will change the way diabetes is treated.

Will type 2 diabetes be cured?

With all of the research on diabetes and the progress in the treatment of diabetes, it's tempting to think someone would have found a cure for diabetes now. But the fact is that there is no cure for diabetes-both type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. (Though lifestyle changes can achieve remission in type 2 diabetes in some cases.)

However, there are treatments, including simple things you can do every day, which makes a big difference. Here are some of the best things you can do to reverse your diabetes once and for all.

1. Get More Sunlight (or add Vitamin D)

The more research that appears shows that there is a connection between vitamin D and diabetes.

Known as the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D may play a large role in diabetes by optimizing the metabolism of glucose and regulates blood glucose. Studies have found that vitamin D levels are quite able to trim the risk of diabetes by a third.

While vitamin D is naturally present in some foods and is enriched in the other, the best source of vitamin D is sunlight. Will type 2 diabetes be cured - Most sources recommend 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure at least two times a week to meet their vitamin D needs.

For those with limited exposure to sunlight, supplementation may be needed to ensure you meet your needs. Consult with your doctor to see if vitamin D supplement is the right choice for you.

2. Drinking apple cider vinegar

If you are a reader fixed my blog, you probably know that I'm a big fan of Apple Cider vinegar. From promoting weight loss to reduce inflammation, this is one of my favorite natural solutions to support your overall health.

But did you know that Apple Cider vinegar can also be useful when it comes to diabetes?

Apple Cider vinegar reduces the glycemic load of foods, which basically means that it's crippling spike in blood sugar that you may get after eating foods containing sugar or starchy. This can help keep blood sugar levels steady, which is one of the most important things you can do if you suffer from diabetes.

I recommend dissolving a couple teaspoons of Apple Cider vinegar in water and drink before a meal to get the full effect. Also, check out some of my ACV drink recipes that you can whip up and enjoy in between meals.

3. get Moving

Regular exercise has many health benefits, and its effects on glycemic control are just the icing on the cake-figuratively, of course. Will type 2 diabetes be cured - According to the American Diabetes Association, exercise serves to lower blood sugar in two ways.

First, increase insulin sensitivity, so that your body can use insulin to move glucose from the blood and into the cells more efficiently. 

Second, the muscle contractions during exercise help Your cells take glucose for use as energy, regardless of whether or not the available insulin.

High intensity exercise, which is a form of interval training was intense but brief, has proven to be very beneficial for diabetes. One study found that interval exercise increases insulin sensitivity and lowers blood glucose levels when done on a regular basis.

4. Spice your food

The next time you want something sweet, reach for the closet seasoning instead of sugar.

Adding spice to Your meals healthier is one of the easiest ways to increase your blood sugar, plus add taste and palatability to your plate without any load on the sweets.

Cinnamon, for example, can lower blood sugar levels, plus also help lower triglycerides and cholesterol. Add in place of sugar to sweeten foods with diabetes-busting.

Saffron, a spice that contains Curcumin, has proven to be able to stop the progression of diabetes in those at risk to develop it. It works by enhancing the function of the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas while also reducing inflammation.

Stir in the turmeric into roasted vegetables or add to the soup, vegetable or smoothie, to take advantage of the benefits of blood sugar.

5. cut processed foods

Unfortunately, most processed food is full of things that are bad for us-especially sugar.

One of the best things you can do for your health, regardless of whether you are diabetic or not, is taking the processed food from your diet. Will type 2 diabetes be cured - This can be a challenge with all the processed foods that are available out there, but stick to the real whole foods can cut excess sugar bins to keep blood sugar levels right where it should be.

6. Eat more Resistant Starch

Resistant starch is one of the most well-kept secrets when it comes to treating diabetes naturally.

Found in nuts and legumes, unripe bananas and potatoes that have been cooked and then refrigerated, resistant starch is great for our digestive health due to feed the good bacteria in our intestines and help balance the intestinal bacteria.

Resistant starch acts in the same way as probiotics, and costs that are far more affordable with all of the same benefits. Studies have shown that consuming probiotics can improve glycemic control, helps normalize blood sugar levels (6).

7. Eat more vegetables

If not, the vegetables should be the main food in your diet. Not just because they are low in calories and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to make you feel good, but they are also full of fiber, which can have beneficial effects when it comes to diabetes.

Fiber can help diabetes by slowing the release of sugar into the bloodstream. This can stop the spike in blood sugar and prevent conditions such as insulin resistance, help your body respond to insulin properly.

Plus, the vegetables could help you lose weight. One of the biggest risk factors for type II diabetes is obesity, so cut some high-calorie food and swapping sides of vegetables and even can make a big difference in reducing your risk of developing diabetes.

8. Limit the consumption of Wheat

Grain and flour products are almost entirely comprised of carbohydrates. While our bodies do need carbohydrates, they break down very quickly in the bloodstream and can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Will type 2 diabetes be cured - The worst offender is the processed grains and refined, such as flour. Flour products break down even more quickly in the body, causing sharp spikes in blood sugar. My recommendations? Keep using gluten-free grains, such as quinoa, brown rice, and wheat, but limit the consumption once or twice a day to keep blood sugar levels steady.

So, is it type 2 diabetes can be treated? Right!

But it takes a lot of hard work and a willingness to make some modifications in lifestyle. Start by slowly incorporating one or two natural remedies into your regimen each week and get up from there.

You will begin to see the effect on your blood sugar — and your health – in no time.
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